Click here for the 2014 QFG Tax Filing

Throughout 2014 QFG supported scientific research in the following areas:

Academic Research Activities

  • Laura Knight-Jadczyk continued her research preparing the text for Josephus, Pilate and Paul: It’s Just a Matter of Time, to be published in 2016.
  • Pierre Lescaudron and Laura Knight-Jadczyk continued their research for the book Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection.
  • Dr. Carl Zohren’s dissertation Varlerius Antias und Caesar was discovered by Laura Knight-Jadczyk during her research into the Roman Empire and translated from German into English for the first time, to be published in 2015.
  • Work on Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s history database project “The Chronicle of the Fall of the Roman Empire” was continued. In this year, 4038 relevant citations were located in ancient and modern texts and entered into the database in a structured and categorized format.

Paper-based Publications


  • Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk’s book Quantum Fractals, From Heisenberg’s Uncertainty to Barnsley’s Fractality was published by World Scientific with acknowledgement to the support of QFG.
  • Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk published “What is Time in Quantum Mechanics” in International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, Vol. 11 (2014), 1460019.
  • Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk published “A Comment on the Rotation Matrix in Minkowski Space-time by Ozdemir and Erdogdu” (with Jerzy Szulga) in Reports on Mathematical Physics, 74(1), 2014, 39-44.
  • Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk published ‌”Comments on Chapter 5 of G. I. Shipov’s ‘A Theory of Physical Vacuum’ Part I” in International Journal of Unconventional Science, 6 (2014)
  • Pierre Lescaudron and Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s book Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection was published as Volume 3 of the Secret History series.
  • The book Manufactured Terror by Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley was published.


  • Knight-Jadczyk’s book Horns of Moses was translated into French and published as Les Cornes de Moïse.
  • Knight-Jadczyk’s book The Wave Vol. 6 was translated into French and published as L’Onde Tome 6.
  • Knight-Jadczyk’s book The Wave Vol. 7 was translated into French and published as L’Onde Tome 7.


  • The German translation of Politische Ponerologie by Andrzej Lobaczewski was revised and published as the 3rd edition.

Web-based Publications

  • Sott.net received 60 Million page views (as measured by Google) for the languages English, German, French and Spanish.
  • 316 original research articles were written and published for free public access (114 in English, 90 in Spanish, 68 in French and 44 in German).
  • The text of Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection by Pierre Lescaudron and Laura Knight-Jadczyk was published as a series of English Sott.net articles with free access to the public.
  • The French translation of the text of Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection by Pierre Lescaudron and Laura Knight-Jadczyk was published as a series of French Sott.net articles with free access to the public.
  • Web-based audio-visual production continued with a second radio show added: “The Truth Perspective” on Saturday nights. Both radio shows include interviews with experts in various fields. Plans were underway to add a third radio show on health issues hosted by several of our medical members.
  • Videos produced:
    • Let’s All Light up (video on smoking)
    • Eiriu Eolas promotion video (by NY crew)
    • 12 Monthly Earth Changes videos
    • numerous Spanish SOTT radio shows (filmed)

Discussion Forum activity

Discussion forum activity and research continued to increase. Important topics under diet and health discussions were hemochromatosis (continuing from 2013) and hidradenitis suppurativa. A main topic of discussion was the research on the relationship between the life of Julius Caesar and the mythicized biography of the individual around whom the Jesus legend accreted. This research looks very promising and is ongoing.

Total forum members at the end of this year: 4709 (after inactive accounts purged). 3191 new topics posted, with 76783 posts and 36050654 page views for the year. Our grand total of page views during the life of the forum is 156535035.


Click here for the 2013 QFG Tax Filing

Throughout 2013 QFG supported scientific research in the following areas:

Academic Activities

  • Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s history database project “The Chronicle of the Fall of the Roman Empire” was created. It is undertaken with an international group of editorial assistants. The project’s main effort is to survey ancient and modern texts and to extract excerpts describing various relevant events for analysis and mapping. “The Chronicle of the Fall of the Roman Empire” focuses on a chronological and categorized collection of various environmental and social events that accompanied the Fall of the Roman Empire.
  • An additional area of research for 2013 was the ancient Roman Empire and the lessons it may hold for the world today. This led to exciting discoveries including the strong probability that Gaius Julius Caesar was the original model on which many religious myths and legends have been superimposed.
  • Pierre Lescaudron did extensive research into Plasma Cosmology in preparation for a volume to come out in 2014.
  • Arkadiusz Jadczyk did the research for, and completed most of a book on Quantum Fractals to come out in 2014.

Conferences, workshops and training

Research retreats, workshops and conferences were conducted throughout the year: a total of 172 days. This included 3 months of back-to-back workshops, serving over 100 people directly and thousands indirectly thanks to findings shared via forum and video production. Researchers and volunteers came from the U.S., Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Argentina, Mexico, Canada, Japan, England, Australia, Africa, and more. Focus of the workshops was diet and nutrition, personal skills development utilizing various hands-on activities such as cooking, building, canning, sewing. Social skills management was also an area of research and work.

In 2013, QFG held an awards ceremony and banquet at the annual meeting.

Web-based Publications

  • Sott.net received 40 Million page views (as measured by Google) for the languages English, German, French and Spanish.
  • 266 original research articles were written and published for free public access (102 in Spanish, 86 in English, 57 in French and 21 in German).
  • The weekly radio show was continued throughout 2013 with weekly interviews with experts in various fields.

Paper-based Publications


  • New Book: Life is Religion. Compiled by members of the Quantum Future Group, Life Is Religion guides the reader through 12 daily exercises for spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. Lushly illustrated, each section includes practical advice and inspirational quotations, with suggestions for healthy eating and activities to heighten self-awareness and deal with the stresses of everyday life.

  • Knight-Jadczyk’s book Horns of Moses was converted into Kindle format and published.


  • Translation of Knight-Jadczyk’s book The Wave Vol. 5 into French and published as L’Onde Tome 5.
  • Translation of Lierre Keith’s book The Vegetarian Myth – food, justice and sustainability into French and published as Le Mythe Végétarien.


  • Translation of Knight-Jadczyk’s book The Wave Vol. 2 into Spanish and published as La Onde Tomo 2.
  • Translation of Dr. Andrzej’s book Political Ponerology into Spanish and published as Ponerologia Politica.

Discussion Forum activity

Discussion forum activity and research continues to increase. In 2013, the research topics were, again, mainly diet and health and its relation to mental clarity and exercise of free will. The special topic for 2013 was haemochromatosis.

Total forum members at the end of 2013: (after inactive accounts purged) 5362. A total of over 75000 posts were made and the total of forum page views is over 31 million.

All these publications and activities, addressing the fundamental issues and experiences of humankind, are core to the wide dissemination of information contributing to the better understanding of humankind and the planet.


Click here for the 2012 QFG Tax Filing

Throughout 2012 QFG supported scientific research in the following areas:

Academic Research Activities

  • Laura Knight-Jadczyk produced an extensive research text during 2012 of which one volume has been published with at least four more in line for publication in the next years. The topics include the effect of the environment on socio-historical processes.
  • Arkadiusz Jadczyk did the research for and completed a book on corruption in science which will be published in 2013.

Paper-based Publications

  • Arkadiusz Jadczyk published “START in a Five-Dimensional Conformal Domain” in Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 22 (2012) 689-701
  • Arkadiusz Jadczyk published “Gravitation on a Homogeneous Domain” in Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 22 (2012) 1069-1080
  • Arkadiusz Jadczyk published “Geometry and Shape of Minkowski’s Space Conformal Infinity” in Reports on Mathematical Physics, April 2012.
  • The Dot Connector Magazine published one issue and made it available at no charge as a PDF file.

Web-based Publications

  • Sott.net website statistics show continued increase of 2.15 times over the previous year, a total over 94.25 million (internal metric).
  • 108 original research articles were written and published on Sott.net for free public access. Many of these articles were translated by volunteers into Spanish, French, German, Danish, Polish, Turkish, Italian, Russian and Portuguese.
  • Web-based audio and video productions continued and were made publicly available on internet media sites.
  • Planning for a weekly, free, Radio show was undertaken with the first episode scheduled for early 2013.
  • Website remodelling for the two flagship dissemination websites (sott.net and cassiopaea.org) was completed in 2012 with information made more easily accessible to the public.

Multimedia Publications

  • The Evidence of Revision documentary was translated into additional languages and subtitles this year. The entire documentary program was published online for free public access, as well as a DVD set.

Conferences, workshops and training

Research retreats, workshops and training were conducted through out the year over a total of 245 days. This included training volunteer staff, specialist medical and nutritional training, serving approximately 50 people directly and thousands indirectly thanks to findings shared via forum and paper publications. Researchers came from the U.S., Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Argentina, Mexico, Canada, and the UK.

Discussion Forum activity

Discussion forum activity and research continued to increase in 2012. Total forum accounts (with inactive accounts purged) was 4435 with a total of over 44,000 posts by members. In 2012 research topics on the forum were mainly diet and health and its relationship to mental clarity. Special topics were rare genetic conditions such as hidradenitis suppurativa and other autoimmune conditions. An additional area of research for 2012 was the effects of environment on societies including climate and cosmic disasters. Many forum members participated in this research.

Other activities

  • More translations of books and material were produced by volunteers.


Click here for the 2011 QFG Tax Filing

Throughout 2011 QFG sponsored scientific research in the following areas:

Academic Research Activities

  • The paper “START in a five dimensional conformal domain”, A. Jadczyk, was published in Nov 2011. See: https://arxiv.org/abs/1111.5540. Paper to appear in the special volume of Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras in memory of Prof. Jaime Keller
  • The paper “Geometry and Shape of Minkowski’s Space Conformal Infinity”, A. Jadczyk, was published in July 2011. See: https://arxiv.org/abs/1107.0933. Paper to appear in Reports on Mathematical Physics, 2011
  • The paper “Gravitation on a Homogeneous Domain”, A. Jadczyk, was published in May 2011. See https://arxiv.org/abs/1105.3814, (paper accepted for ICCA9 Conference, Weimar, Germany, July 15-20, 2011)
  • The paper “Compactified Minkowski Space: Myths and Facts”, A. Jadczyk, was published in May 2011. See: https://arxiv.org/abs/1105.3948, (paper accepted for ICCA9 Conference, Weimar, Germany, July 15-20, 2011)
  • The paper “Some comments on projective quadrics subordinate to pseudo-Hermitian spaces”, A. Jadczyk, was published in the journal Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, DOI: 10.1007/s00006-011-0289-1, 2011
  • “On Conformal Infinity and Compactifications of the Minkowski Space”, A. Jadczyk, was published in August 2011. See: https://arxiv.org/abs/1008.4703, and subsequently appeared in the journal Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, DOI: 10.1007/s00006-011-0285-5, 2011

Web-based Publishing

  • QFG continued to sponsor the activities of Sott.net and Cassiopaea.org in 2011, both of which saw continued growth in terms of content and readership.
  • The migration of Cassiopaea.org to its new platform continued.
  • Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s book Amazing Grace was made available online for the first time.
  • Sott.net Sott Video Reports also continued throughout 2011 and expanded into other video productions.
  • This year, Sott.net published 195 editorials.

Discussion Forum activity

The Cassiopaea.org discussion forum saw a 10% growth in membership.


In 2011 QFG and its affiliated research projects were the victim of defamatory accusations to the French police by a member of the French public. The unfounded accusations led to a protracted 9-month police investigation of QFG, its affiliated projects and organisations, and the interrogation of several QFG volunteer researchers. By December 2011, the police investigation of QFG was closed when it was determined that the allegations were baseless.


Click here for the 2010 QFG Tax Filing

Throughout 2010 QFG supported scientific research in the following areas:

Academic Research Activities

  • The paper “Continuous Caylet Transform” was written by A. Jadczyk and published online at https://arkadiusz-jadczyk.org/papers/cayley-2010-02-06.pdf
  • The first version (over 80 pages) of “On Conformal Infinity and Compactifications of the Minkowski Space” by A. Jadczyk was submitted to the journal Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras on August 31st 2010. A revised version was submitted on Nov. 30th 2010. The paper subsequently appeared in Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras DOI: 10.1007/s00006-011-0285-5, 2011. See: https://www.springerlink.com/content/98k9401872114362/
  • A. Jadczyk worked on the article “Some comments on projective quadrics subordinate to pseudo Hermitian spaces. The paper was submitted to Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras Nov. 30th 2010 and subsequently appeared in that journal: DOI 10.1007/s00006-011-289-1, 2011. See: https://www.springerlink.com/content/e521912v9p553q79/

Secondary Academic Activities

  • Seminars given at the University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse:
    • Seminar “Space-time, gravity, conformal group and the coherent quantum states” – February 5th 2010.
    • Seminar “Sauts quantiques conformes” – May 21st 2010
    • Seminar “La Fibration de Clifford” – September 17th 2010
    • Seminar “Equations de Maxwell et algebres de Clifford” – October 7th 2010
  • Coordination of the International Center CAIROS (deputy coordinator) https://www.icca7.ups-tlse.fr/cairos.htm
  • Active participation (several thousand posts) in scientific discussion on Physics Forums. See:
  • QFG also renewed its grant allocation to Dr. Gabriela Segura for her continued specialist medical research and training and for the maintenance of her alternative medical blog at https://www.health-matrix.net

Conferences, Workshops and Training

QFG hosted a conference for 100 individuals, researchers and academics with the aim of expanding knowledge in QFG’s specified fields of research as well as networking and sharing ideas on the pressing problems facing humanity.

Web-based Publishing

  • Work on formatting, editing and transferring the large body of material from the old Cassiopaea web site format to the new platform continued.
  • Sott.net readership and reader participation continued to grow in 2010 with 150 editorials published. Sott.net readership statistics increased to over 2 million hits per day (internal metric).
  • 2010 also saw the debut of Sott.net’s Sott Video Reports, a short video news-cast on the most important current events.


Click here for the 2009 QFG Tax Filing

QFG continued to make progress in all areas of research and public service publishing in 2009, including:

Academic Research Activities

  • A. Jadczyk published a paper “The theory of Kairons” in Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Vol 19 (2009) p. 63-82
  • A. Jadczyk published an online paper in collaboration with Gerhard W. Bruhn (University of Dramstadt, Germany) and Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr., (Universidade Esatadual de Campinas, Brazil) entitled “On Bianchi’s Identities in ECE Theory”.
  • A. Jadczyk conducted research on a new paper entitled “On Conformal Infinity and Compactification of the Minkowski Space”. The paper will be sent for publication in 2010.

Secondary Academic Activities

  • Several seminars were given at the CAIROS Center of the Institute of Mathematics, University of Toulouse III on the following subjects:
    • “The measurement paradox of Roger Penrose”,
    • “Discussion around the ideas of Roger Penrose”,
    • “Villarceau Circles”,
    • “Villarceau Circles - Application in Physics”
  • Arkadiusz Jadczyk received an honorary title of “Distinguished Referee” for his work as a scientific referee of the European Physics letters.

Conferences, Workshops and Training

In 2009, QFG also organised conferences, workshops and training for visiting researchers and academics and trained new volunteer staff including specialist training for 30 people from the USA, Canada, Germany, the UK, Israel and Italy.

Web-based Publishing

  • QFG continued in 2009 to fund the research and writing required to publish over 100 editorials on Sott.net.
  • Several new editions of print publications for QFGpublishing.com were produced.
  • The overhaul of the old Cassiopaea website began in 2009 and many articles were reformatted, edited and republished on the new platform.
  • All QFG sponsored sites saw substantially increased web traffic.

Discussion Forum activity

Reader/researcher participation with QFG’s research and discussion forum saw a 5% increase in membership.


Click here for the 2008 QFG Tax Filing

QFG was forced to defend its Constitutional 1st Amendment Rights in a litigation brought against it for opinions expressed by members of the public in the public forum of the group’s independent news and information website Sott.net. This baseless, unnecessary and ultimately wholly unsuccessful accusation required the allocation of considerable resources that would otherwise have been applied elsewhere. However, the defense of 1st Amendment Rights accorded under the Constitution of the United States and the prevention of their erosion through the Courts contributes substantially to the understanding of human society and the maintenance of individual rights and therefore accords with the group’s exempt purpose.

Academic Research Activities

Two papers in the area of Quantum Theory were published:

  • Comments on “Spin Connection Resonance in Gravitational General Relativity”, Gerhard W. Bruhn, Friedrich W. Hehl, Arkadiusz Jadczyk, in Acta Physica Polonica B, 39 no 1 (2008), pp. 51-58
  • “Quantum Fractals. Geometric modeling of quantum jumps with conformal maps”, A. Jadczyk, in Advances in Applied Clifford Algebra, vol 18 (2008), p. 737-754

A small grant ($950) was also provided to support the researcher and historian Richard Dolan in his work.

Web-based publications

Traffic to the QFG and related websites was robust with approximately 1.5 million unique visitors, and 157 editorial articles published. The editorial team grew by 44%.

Discussion Forum activity

Registered users and forum membership increased by 1,393.

Paper-based publications

Various publications including 2nd Edition of High Strangeness and The Wave 6 in English.

Conferences, Workshops and Training

The group continued its hosting of visiting researchers and academics from around the world with 35 visitors from the US, Canada, UK and EU. The group also continued its commitment to training its directors and all volunteer staff, enabling them to gain as broad an experience base as possible, including the provision of specialist legal training. A number of research trips were also made by directors and staff.


Click here for the 2007 QFG Tax Filing


Assisted the establishment of a new faculty at the University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse. Two papers were published in the area of Quantum Theory:

  • “Quantum Fractals on n-spheres,” A. Jadczyk, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebra, vol 17 (2007), p. 201-240.
  • Comments on “Spin Connection Resonance in Gravitational General  Relativity”, Gerhard W. Bruhn, Friedrich W. Hehl, Arkadiusz Jadczyk, Acta Physica Polonica B, 39 no 1 (2008), pp. 51-58

Conferences, workshops and training

Held 4 conferences, 5 workshops and hosted a number of visiting researchers and academics. Guests and speakers came from the US, UK, Brasil, these events, participants were able to further develop and refine their critical thinking, networking cooperation and communication skills as well as further personal development.

Paper-based publications

  • hardcopies of the scientific papers listed above
  • publication of 2500 Strand
  • publication of Beyond the Veil
  • publication of The Wave 5
  • publication of The Wave 6
  • revised editions of Political Ponerology, The Wave 1 and The Wave 2
  • A Spanish language editions of The Wave 1 was published plus prepartion were made for further editions of English language titles in French and Spanish.

All these publications, addressing the fundamental issues and experiences of humankind, are core to the wide dissemination of information contributing to the better understanding of humankind and the planet.


Click here for 2006 Tax Filings


  • QFG sponsored the editing and publishing of the work of Polish Psychologist, Andrew Lobaczewski.
  • Two papers were published in the area of Quantum Theory
    • “Quantum Fractals on n-spheres,” A. Jadczyk, (which appeared in Advances in Clifford Algebra, vol 17 no 2, December 2006)
    • “Some Comments on the Formal Structure of Spontaneous Localization Theories,” A. Jadczyk, AIP Conference Proceedings - June 27, 2006 - Present Status of Quantum Mechanics

Training Workshops and Conferences

QFG continued its series of workshops and conferences holding 9 during the year. Two of these were attended by Jean-Pierre Petit, a leading French physicist, and one was attended by Dr Andrew Lobaczewski (Psychologist). In addition to the educational/academic focus of these conferences, participants were able to further refine their critical thinking, networking, cooperation and communication skills as well as further personal development.

Paper-based Publications

  • QFG published hardcopies of the academic papers listed above
  • the work of Dr A Lobaczewski under the title Political Ponerology
  • a new edition of Fulcanelli
  • a 2nd edition of 911 The Ultimate Truth
  • a revised edition of The Secret History of the World


Click here for 2005 Tax Filings

The year 2005 was a year of major growth for Quantum Future Group. On Feb 23 we received our 501 (c) (3) status which was retroactive back to September 11, 2003, our date of incorporation. This completed the final phase of transition from the old Perseus Foundation.

In the Spring of 2005, the final edition of Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s book The Secret History of the World was published by QFG. This work was accomplished with the support of research grants from Perseus Foundation and Quantum Future Group. Laura has generously licensed her books to QFG for fund raising and this gift has enabled us to support not only our own researchers, but the work of others.

In the summer of 2005 we were able to make a generous grant to University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse for the 7th Clifford Algebra Conference. Thanks to QFG, quite a few scientists in America were given travel and accommodation support for this important event.

QFG made a grant to the Institute of Mathematical Physics which put on a Science Night at College Saint Joseph in Beaumont de Lomagne. QFG provided support to bring the Bogdanov Brothers – French TV stars – from Paris to make a presentation to the student body, in addition to a subsequent presentation to the city, which was hosted by the mayor. At the same time, we sponsored a series of IMP lectures for the city of Castelsarrasin which were well attended by local students, parents, and notables of the area. The highlight of the series was a lecture by Professor Jeremy Stubbs of the University of Manchester, UK, who talked about the many beliefs in the “End of Time.”

To see Press Coverage of the debut of QFG supported IMP, go here and here.

Later in 2005, QFG partly supported Arkadiusz Jadczyk’s attendance at the important Quantum Jumps Conference held at the Abdus Salam International Institute for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, (funded by the United Nations) and Mali Losinj, Croatia. Partial support was also generously given by the Italian Society sponsoring the conference.

QFG has provided a grant to support a mathematics student whose US Federal Student Aid is woefully insufficient, and there are several other Ph.D. students in various countries we will be assisting next year.


Click here for 2004 Tax Filings